SPELL for Great Futures raises $26,750 for Academic Programs

The Boys & Girls Club of Fond du Lac held its 7th annual SPELL for Great Futures on October 14 and raised $26,750 in support of its youth academic programs. Presented by Society Insurance, the spelling bee is a fundraiser that typically involves the participation of business leaders in and around the Fond du Lac community as well as Boy & Girls Club members. Due to COVID-19, this year’s event was modified and carried out in a virtual format.

Business/community leaders were teamed up with Club members, however, the leaders’ main role this year was to act as a “team encourager” leading up to the virtual competition, in which the Club members participated in as individuals representing the business/organization of the leader they were matched up with. The virtual competition took place via Zoom and within three different “breakout room” spaces at the Johnsonville Boys & Girls Club to complete the preliminary round of the bee. Each “breakout room” consisted of an equal number of Club members and one Judge.

The top speller within each “breakout room” continued on to compete in the Championship Round. Placing third in the spelling bee was Billie Hall who was supported by “Team Encourager” Cheri Everson of Wisconsin Stainless Head Mfg. Coming in second place was Steven Volz-Siegmann who was supported by “Team Encourager” Dave Neumann of RB Royal Industries. And finishing in first place as this year’s Champion was Eltayana Wilson who was supported by “Team Encourager” Kelly Koenigs of Excel Engineering.

Koenigs stated, “I am so incredibly proud of Eltayana. I could not stop smiling when I found out she WON the spelling bee. She can do anything if she believes in herself and I know she will do great things.” Wilson added, “I arrived, I spelled and I conquered! Thank you to the Boys & Girls Club for giving me, and so many other kids, cool opportunities like this. And thank you to Kelly and Excel Engineering for supporting me!”

View a highlight/recap video of this event HERE!

View the full event photo album HERE!

Sponsorship and/or participation helps to ensure the success of this event each year and directly impacts youth academic programs. For more information or to get involved, contact Tiffany Heim at 920-924-0530 ext. 352 or theim@bgcfdl.org.