Program Highlights – Spring is in the Air!

The month of March brings the first day of spring, a season naturally full of big changes and the start of new beginnings. This month also marks one year since the COVID-19 pandemic brought big changes to the way we serve youth. Through it all, our ever-so-creative and dedicated program staff have remained rock solid in their ability to deliver high quality program activities day in and day out. These activities have helped to build stronger bonds between our staff and Club youth, providing them with an experience they will fondly remember forever.

One of our favorite March activities was simply getting outside. The weather is warming up and our time spent outside taking in all the fresh air is increasing! Who doesn’t love great weather and soaking up some sunshine?! Our elementary members especially enjoyed creating chalk art on the sidewalks just outside our Club doors. Some other favorite activities included making fortune cookies to give to teachers as part of the Panda Cares program, using shaving cream on tables to practice math for Project Learn, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day by making leprechaun traps, and creating hand-crafted picture frames during Craft Club. Additionally, we did countless fun activities that involved reading and tasty snacks through our Bookin’ & Cookin’ program; what a fun way to learn!

Our teen Club members spent time learning about women in history to celebrate Women’s History Month. They also enjoyed making community puzzle pieces to hang up around the Teen Center, and took time to create and sign posters for National Doctors Day. The posters were delivered to St. Agnes Hospital to thank all of our wonderful doctors for their support in our community. Their favorite activity of this month, however, was celebrating the completion of their NYOI surveys. Our Teen staff raffled off prizes for those who participated in the survey AND held a raffle to pie a staff of their choice in the face! Though it was a messy celebration, both the teens and staff (even with pies smashed in their faces) had a great time and enjoyed a ton of laughs together!

For more information about our Club programs or to sign up, visit our Become a Member page!