Program Highlights – Spreading Kindness during Spooky Season

We take “Spooky Season” very seriously at the Club! Our youth absolutely love this time of year because they get excited about all the cool craft activities, silly games and tasty treats in store. Club members kicked off October right by creating their very own haunted houses out of graham crackers, spicing up their classrooms with Halloween decorations, and diving right into all the traditional festivities that make this time of year so much fun. From mind-blowing STEM projects with Pringle’s to spooky spiderweb crafting, pumpkin carving and investigating, monster cookie decorating, snacking on yummy caramel apples and Minute to Win It mummy-wrapping, we think it’s safe to say everyone has had a blast!

In addition to all the fun, we have been focused on spreading kindness as well. This month has had a few special days worth celebrating that allowed us to do just that – spread kindness! On October 2, all of our sites celebrated National Custodian Day by honoring the wonderful people who keep our spaces clean and safe so our youth can focus on having fun while they learn and grow. We also celebrated our teachers on October 5 for World Teachers’ Day! And October 6 happened to be National Walk to School Day, so naturally we had to jump in on the action with an adventure-filled walk around Club, socially distanced by grade. To top it off, October is National Bullying Prevention Month, which we also take very seriously. Our Club members took a pledge to speak up, reach out and be a Friend Against Bullying. Some even spent time writing positive affirmation to brighten other Club members’ days!

To round out program highlights for October, our Teen Center youth have been giving back to the community by getting involved in our Keystone Club, which focuses on service projects to help teach good character and leadership. Our teens have started to make tie blankets to donate to those in need during the upcoming winter months. This has become a popular activity that our Club members really enjoy doing especially as we approach the giving season. We are so happy that even during these challenging times, we are still finding ways to help those in our community!