Program Highlights – OH WHAT FUN!

OH WHAT FUN it is to spend time learning and growing at the Club… especially during the holiday season! Our youth love getting into the holiday spirit by doing all the things that make the season magical. Elementary Club members kicked off December by diving into some really cool STEM projects, creating their own snow paint (since there was still no snow on the ground!) and making homemade ice cream! To add to all the initial excitement, the kids also got to start decorating Christmas cookies, putting together special care packages for the homeless shelter and making clothespin ornaments for the nursing home. Our Club kids really enjoy being able to give back to the community whenever they can, and it’s amazing to see their holiday spirit grow even more as a result!

Speaking of holiday spirit, would it really be Christmas if we didn’t get a chance to visit with Santa?! Our elementary Club members across ALL program sites had a unique opportunity to visit and play Bingo with Santa via Zoom courtesy of Annie’s Fountain City Cafe. What a wonderful experience, and so many happy faces! On top of that, we made granola bar holiday characters, got messy with snowman marshmallow painting, had a blast with holiday dress-up, concocted Christmas slime, made delicious Christmas tree cones, built epic Lego sculptures, and even held a holiday door decorating contest. Visit our Facebook page to see which classroom won the contest and celebrated with a hot chocolate party!

To round out program highlights for December, our teens got super creative by making awesome clay ornaments with sticks, leaves and cookie cutters. This project was proof that we don’t need much to create little masterpieces. Once the ornaments were completely dry, they used their artistic skills to paint them and the final result was incredible! On the last day of Club before we closed for holiday break, the teens also thought it would be fun to build a Boys & Girls Club Gingerbread Village with all of our program sites to accent the many tiny gingerbread houses our elementary Club members had been building throughout the month. We love how much pride our kids, especially the teens who have been members for several years, show for their Boys & Girls Club!