October 2021 Face of Great Futures
Amorlei is 9 years old and currently a 3rd grader at Pier Elementary School. She was born in Oshkosh and lives in Fond du Lac with her mom, dad, an older brother who is in 6th grade at Theisen Middle School, and another older brother who is a freshman at St. Mary’s Springs Academy. Her family also has a golden retriever/yellow lab named “Midas”. Amorlei just joined the Boys & Girls Club this year and actually asked her parents if she could become a BGC member simply because all of her friends are at Club after school every day and she thought it would just be really fun.
Amorlei stated that her favorite thing about Club is coming inside after recess and playing a bunch of games; especially playing UNO with Mrs. Zinke! When she is not at Club, she loves to play hockey, spend time playing with her neighbor friends, and participating in soccer and gymnastics. Amorlei stated that her favorite thing about school is being able to come to Club when the school day is over! Her favorite subject in school is Math, and her least favorite subject is Word Work, because she just doesn’t like sorting words!
Amorlei stated that she will probably become a teacher when she grows up. Some fun facts about Amorlei: her favorite color is “tealish-blue”, she loves to eat french toast, has traveled to Florida and then hopped on a cruise ship that took her family to a few fun destinations, and she has also been to Disneyland. If she was given three wishes, they would be: 1) to fly, 2) to teleport, and 3) to help others with whatever they need! When asked if she has any advice for younger Club members, Amorlei stated “Be kind to others and be a leader to younger people.” We love having Amorlei as a Club member at our Pier afterschool site…what an amazing kiddo!
For more information about our Club programs or to sign up, visit our Become a Member page!