July 2022 Face of Great Futures

Destiny is turning 14 years old at the end of this month and will be a freshman at Fond du Lac High School this fall. She was born in Madison, has lived in both Milwaukee and Kentucky for a period of time, and moved to Fond du Lac when she was in 7th grade. Destiny currently lives in foster care and has siblings who are also in foster care but living in different homes.

Destiny became a Club member earlier this year and stated that her favorite things about Club are the staff and some of the programs, such as Keystone Club, Book Club, Relationship Building, SMART Girls (aka Girls Group) and Art. Attending the Boys & Girls Club has given Destiny the opportunity to meet new friends, build relationships with people, and do activities she normally wouldn’t be able to do.

When Destiny is not at Club, she enjoys reading, playing cards, and talking with people (especially the Teen Club staff). She describes herself as someone who is very independent and stated that she is good at communicating, listening, and helping people. Destiny is proud that she is unique yet has the ability to relate to people and easily put herself in someone else’s shoes. Her advice for younger kids at Club is to “Take every opportunity you can get. Don’t waste your life by sitting on your phone and not trying new things that could make your life more enjoyable.”

When asked what she’d like to do when she grows up, Destiny stated that she would like to become a pilot with her end goal being to work for UPS, shipping items around the world. She added that the coolest place she has traveled to so far is Kentucky Kingdom where there are roller coasters and a waterpark all in one place. If she could go anywhere in the world, Destiny would visit the United Kingdom because “I really like accents.”

Destiny’s favorite subjects in school are history and social studies, while her least favorite subject is math. Her favorite food is asparagus (as long as it is fried or grilled with sea salt!), her favorite color is yellow because “there are a lot of pretty shades in yellow and you can see it all over in nature.”  Destiny stated that if she had three wishes, they would be to 1) plan her life and have it go the way she wants it to go, 2) have all her dreams come true, and 3) be reunited with her mom.

FUN FACT: Destiny has participated in a Young Eagles Flight which gave her the opportunity to fly a real airplane (with the assistance of a licensed pilot, of course). She shared that although it was kind of terrifying, she really loved it and is now even more passionate about becoming a pilot!

For more information about our Club programs or to sign up, visit our Become a Member page!