December 2023 Face of Great Futures

Jesus just turned 11 years old on December 5 (Happy Belated Birthday!) and is currently a 5th grader at Parkside Elementary School. He has been a Club member since he was in 2nd grade and enjoys attending because “when we do something good or we are being helpful, we get points that help get us prizes like mechanical pencils and stickers.” Jesus believes that kids come to the Boys & Girls Club because sometimes their mothers or fathers go to work and they need to have a happy and fun learning place to go.

Jesus poses next to Parkside’s Native American themed tree for “Trees Around the World” at the Children’s Museum!

Jesus lives in Fond du Lac with his mom, dad, and two year old brother. He doesn’t have any pets at home but he has 42 stuffed animals at home and shared that his favorite stuffed animal is a big orange dinosaur that he named “Cheetopuff”. Jesus loves to spend his time playing Roblox with his best friend who also happens to be his cousin, and also enjoys watching TV with his whole family. He describes himself as someone who enjoys making new friends.

Jesus feels proud when he participates in a contest and does well; for example, he just scored 24 out of 25 total points in a contest that took place in his classroom! Jesus stated that he is good at soccer, math, and making stuff with paper. In fact, he just made a lamborghini all out of paper! His favorite subject in school is math while his least favorite is social studies; he added that he’s also getting really good at reading. When asked what he would like to be when he grows up, Jesus excitedly shared that he would love to become a Gamer YouTuber. 

Jesus proudly shows off his Bingo Toast in celebration of Bluey Day at Parkside!

Jesus’ favorite place to visit is Mt. Olympus in Wisconsin Dells. If he could go anywhere in the world, Jesus would either visit New York City or the middle of Wisconsin because “it’s a safe place where no tsunamis will ever happen.” Jesus’ favorite color is blue and his favorite food is rice with chicken (salted!); he also shared that his mom sometimes makes really good soup with noodles that are shaped like letters, hearts, faces or even cars. What a great mom!

When asked to share something important that he’s learned in life so far, Jesus said “It’s really important to take good care of yourself.” Jesus’ advice for younger kids is to “pay really good attention, don’t be distracted by other people, don’t fight, and compliment others.” If Jesus had three wishes, he would 1) be the God of Strength, 2) have chickens as pets, and 3) have a family of his own with kids someday so he can protect them and teach them how to be nice and take care of themselves.

For more information about our youth programs and how to sign up, click HERE!