New Summer Registration Process starts June 1

Hello Boys & Girls Club Families –

Our new summer registration process will begin on Monday, June 1. However, our summer programs will have a significantly limited capacity this year. We will have a mandatory pre-screening form available for you to complete online from June 1-5. The link to access the pre-screening form will be sent out via email, posted to our Facebook page AND our Become a Member webpage at 8:00am on Monday, June 1.

Due to emergency grant funding we have received, priority will be given to children of essential workers as defined by the state of Wisconsin as well as those who qualify for free or reduced lunch. This form will help us to identify and give priority to those individuals. 

Please note that the mandatory pre-screening form is REQUIRED and your child(ren) will not be eligible to register without first completing this step. You will be notified via email by June 8 if your child(ren) has been approved and will then have the ability to complete the online application to enroll for the summer. 

Parents/guardians of children who have been invited to enroll based on the pre-screening process will have from June 8-12 to complete the online application. Program Fee: $200 per elementary child (going into grades 2 – 5) and $150 per teen (going into grades 6 – 12). Fee assistance is available for families who qualify.

Mandatory Parent Orientation sessions will be held via Zoom from June 15-19 with our summer programs officially starting on Monday, June 22 and running through Friday, August 14.
*Please note that our summer programs will look very different than in past years. Following guidance from the Department of Children and Families and the CDC around COVID-19 safety measures, we will be keeping members in the same group with the same staff for the duration of summer. There will be daily health screening, limited movement and no co-mingling between groups, this includes the teen center. There will also be very limited extra activities and no field trips. Lastly, there will be NO early morning care offered this year, so our program hours will be 9:00am-5:00pm.

Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time, we can’t wait to see our kids again!

Your Boys & Girls Club of Fond du Lac Family