Mid-Summer Elementary Highlights!

We are so fortunate to be able to offer our summer program again this year. Our elementary students are able to participate in summer school each morning of our program with a focus on Math, Literacy and Social Emotional Learning. We have 13 amazing summer school teachers on staff, including one for our teen program. We are able to help prevent summer learning loss and, at the same time, fulfill the undeniable need for some normalcy this summer. With kids’ usual routines being disrupted back in March, it has been a huge breath of fresh air to offer programming that includes summer school teachers who make learning so much fun every day!

In addition to summer school, elementary Club members have been experiencing a ton of other exciting activities this summer! We have had a blast exploring different types of mediums in our Art program by incorporating nature, using recycled materials, printmaking and tie-dying. Giving our kids the ability to create unique art in a variety of ways helps further develop their incredible sense of imagination. It has been great to see their individuality in each piece of art as well as the pride they have in knowing they created something of their own from start to finish.

One of the most memorable parts of this summer so far has been giving our 4th grade class the opportunity to read the book “Holes” together over the course of a few weeks. The kids were so excited to get to Club everyday so they would not miss out on what was happening in the book! After completing the book, the class celebrated by watching the movie together. We even had a student who happened to be absent on movie day and was still so excited about finishing the book they watched the movie at home. It is so cool to see our members come together over a great book!

Finally, we all know there have been quite a few HOT weather days this summer. We would like to give a BIG thank you shout-out to our wonderful friends at Fox Valley Savings Bank for helping keep us cool on National Freezer Pop Day, which also just so happened to be a SIZZLER of a day! We are so grateful to have thoughtful donors, partners and supporters who constantly find ways to brighten our kids’ days, even when times are a bit challenging in our community and around the world.