Make a Difference with an In-Kind Gift
The Boys & Girls Club accepts donations of all kinds, and many of those donations are put into immediate use in our programs. For example, our afterschool programs provide activities to over 300 youth per day during the school year, so consumable supplies and basic equipment often get used very quickly.
If you can help with any of the items on the Wish List below, please call 920-924-0530, or simply drop it off at the Johnsonville Club on 2nd Street. Our front desk staff will provide you with a receipt for your tax purposes upon your donation. If you are unsure if we would need your donation, please call 920-924-0530 and speak to a staff member.
Basic Needs of Youth and Families are Supported at the Club.
The Club is also interested in any donation that can help with the most basic needs of the Club youth and their families. Currently, the Club has been very fortunate to have received numerous donations in support of this program. Monetary donations are also accepted in order to pick up specialty items in case our stock of items cannot fulfill a families needs. Call 920-924-0530 or email Pam Sippel at to make a donation, or simply drop off your items at the Johnsonville Club at 76 W. 2nd Street.