A Message from our CEO
Dear Club supporters:
This past month has developed into an unprecedented time in our country, and an equally unprecedented time for our Boys & Girls Club. The closure of afterschool programs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has left our Club, and our community, in an unfamiliar state. The fact that we haven’t had children in our afterschool programs for over a week, with an indefinite time frame for their return, is truly sad. At a time where we should be able to meet the needs of our members and families, we have been asked to sit on the sidelines. For us, that reality has been very challenging.
In the midst of this uncertainty, we know one thing has remained constant, and that is our passion for youth in this community. In response, and within our limited capabilities, we will continue to reach out to help. We will continue to partner with the Fond du Lac School District and Aramark to provide meals to families in need. Each day, at our three distribution locations, we are providing over 400 meals per day to kids. Having this role and responsibility has been incredible!
Additionally, check out BGC social media for updates on our newly developed virtual Club experience, which will give Club members and their families access to quality learning programs, fun activities and the staff members that mean so much to them. Check out this virtual community at the following link:
Bottom line, we will continue to do our part. We will work with passion to engage children during this out of school time, and, we will support the community we live in by keeping our doors closed to mitigate the chance of spreading the disease. When we rise from this low, we will all be stronger for it, and even more prepared to meet the needs of children and families in Fond du Lac. Stay healthy, friends.
Dan Hebel, CEO
Boys & Girls Club of Fond du Lac